If adoption is a part of your life in any way: birth parent, adoptive parent, hopeful adoptive parent, adoption advocate or professional and would like your blog or website added to my list of links please email me your name and URL. adoptionfyi at gmail dot com

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Birthmothers 4 Adoption

You all know that I love the ladies behind Birthmother's 4 Adoption, right?


Truly, you will learn more about birth mothers and their perspective there than possibly any other place on the internet. They also offer other birth moms and prospective birth moms a ton of support and a safe place to be, to ask questions, and to "have their own experience." (Love that, Desha!)  Anyone associated with adoption should be following their blog.

Right now they are sponsoring a great adoption book give away.



They are giving away both of these lovely child focused adoption books.  No links on purpose, I want you to click through to Birthmother's 4 Adoption!  Head on over and meet these wonderful women.


  1. Thank you so much for promoting the amazing women who run Birthmothers 4 Adoption! It is a great site, let by some very strong women!!!
