ALSO!!! They offer a 10% discount for adoptive couples (or those ordering for parties on their behalf.)
These beautiful necklace pendants capture many adoption sentiments for both domestic and international adoption. Seller DosBesitos makes these lovely pendants with maps of your child's country, mother-father-aunt-grandmother-grandfather-etc in various languages, and sweet adoption sentiments. The backs of them can be customized with a birth or gotcha date and a child's name.
Most of you know and love Mrs. R. and The R. House. The newest editions to her always amazing shop are these adorable onesies that will look adorable on your newest little family member. (Also be sure to check out her beautiful adoption related jewelry.)
Last, and also my personal favorite, are these Custom UnNaked Family. You send artist nakedpeggies a picture of your family and she creates an UnNaked family to match yours. (I LOVE THIS!)
my friend makes blessing, remembrance and adoption boxes on etsy, she made me a special one for my placement day and she is helping me make one for my birthson. she will do custom requests for design etc. (i happen to know she has others for sale than whats on her site, and they are all gorgeous!) id love it if you could feature her as well!
i know she is also working on adoption thank you cards but wont post them until she has the complete set done and ready to go. (